Peace Square Sharm Elsheikh
Peace icon, located in the Peace Square in the city of Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt, surrounded peace icon dancer fountain from which net, and display the wings 24 meters, flanked Baloiconh Fountain 35 meters in diameter, with about 47 water nozzle out of different heights reaches a height of 16 meters in a spiral, as has been the icon site using a format a mixture of circles around the fountain, is a colorful mix of crops and flowers, as well as stones and Althblitat, was taking into account the work of the restaurant parking adorned the entrance to the courtyard in front of the icon is surrounded by palm trees and designed light-curve directs visitors to the walkway around the fountain. Icon established and designed in the hands of an Egyptian symbol of peace was registered in the Guinness Book of Records as the largest and longest metal work of art in the world .
The height of the icon about 34.5 meters, 26.5 meters height height net, and display the wings 24 meters, flanked Baloiconh Fountain 35 meters in diameter, with about 47 water nozzle out of different heights reaches a height of 16 meters in a spiral,Peace icon is a memorial Peace Park mediates amounting to 36 thousand square meters at the entrance of Sharm el-Sheikh International Airport and the Dahab and the ring road to the city of Sharm El Sheikh. Icon is designed in the form of clusters of black granite bearing the lotus leaf topped eight inspired by the wings of the wings of Ra carry globe diameter of 10 meters on the world map of stainless steel, the specific location of Egypt in gold and fly above the bathroom that holds an olive branch symbol of peace, and suggests eight wings to the main directions, north and south, east and west-east and north-west and north-east and south-west and the south. It was taking into account the work of the restaurant parking adorned the entrance to the courtyard in front of the icon is surrounded by palm trees and designed light-curve directs visitors to the walkway around the fountain. Icon established and designed in the hands of an Egyptian symbol of peace was registered in the Guinness Book of Records as the largest and longest metal work of art in the world .